Straipsnyje analizuojama juridinio asmens pilietybė tarptautiniame investicijų arbitraže ir su ja susijusi problematika. Juridinio asmens pilietybė tarptautiniame investicijų arbitraže yra vienas iš svarbiausių aspektų nustatant arbitražo tribunolo jurisdikciją. Tačiau straipsnyje nurodoma, kad susiduriama su piktnaudžiavimo juridinio asmens pilietybės problema.
Corporate nationality in investment arbitration was and still is an area of much debate. Thevast net of international investment agreements (IIA’s) had enabled investors to structure and take advantage of the specific IIA’s, which secure their objectives in the host country, byusing shellor socalled “mailboxcompanies.” This process can also be defined as “treatyshopping.” However, such practice had brought a lot of controversy and conflicting views in academic and business society.
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