Taikomoji kalbotyra, 20: 126–140 eISSN 2029-8935
https://www.journals.vu.lt/taikomojikalbotyra DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Taikalbot.2023.20.9

Automatic part-of-speech tagging of the Tartu Corpus of Estonian Learner English with CLAWS7: impact of learner errors

Liina Tammekänd
University of Tartu, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Reeli Torn-Leesik1
University of Tartu, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Abstract. The present paper, which is a continuation of Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik’s (2022) study, aims to examine how learner errors affect the CLAWS7 tagger’s automated assignment of part-of-speech (POS) tags to a sample of 24,812 words of the Tartu Corpus of Estonian Learner English (TCELE). Learner errors causing tagging errors in the sample were identified, based on which a working error taxonomy was created. The POS-tagged and error-tagged samples were collated and compared to map correlations between learner and tagging errors. Error groups that correlated with significantly increased rates of tagging errors were identified. Possible reasons were suggested to account for the impact of learner errors on the tagger’s performance. The CLAWS7 tagger misanalysed only 2.8% of forms representing learners’ language errors but assigned wrong tags to every fifth spelling error (22%).
Keywords: learner English, automatic POS-tagging, learner errors, TCELE, CLAWS7

Automatinis kalbos dalių žymėjimas (POS) Tartu estų anglų kalbos mokinių tekstyne: mokinių klaidų poveikis CLAWS7 įrankio tikslumui

Santrauka. Pagrindinis šio darbo, kuris yra Tammekändos ir Torn-Leesikos (2022) tyrimo tęsinys, tikslas buvo ištirti mokinių klaidų įtaką automatizuotam kalbos dalių (POS) žymų priskyrimui naudojant CLAWS7 įrankį. Tyrimas paremtas 24 812 žodžių imtimi; duomenys surinkti iš Tartu estų anglų kalbos mokinių tekstyno (TCELE). Duomenims anotuoti buvo naudojamas CLAWS7 žymų rinkinys, kurį sudaro 137 žodžių žymės. Siekiant įvertinti mokinių klaidų įtaką anotavimo tikslumui, detalesnei analizei buvo atrinkti atvejai, kai mokinio klaidos sutapo su automatinio žymėjimo klaidomis šio tyrimo imtyje. Remiantis tyrime nustatytomis klaidomis, sukurta klaidų taksonomija ir klaidų tipų, turinčių įtakos anotavimo rezultatams, klasifikavimo ir analizės sistema. Siekiant ištirti ryšį tarp besimokančiojo klaidų ir automatinio anotavimo klaidų, automatinio žymėjimo klaidos sistemingai lygintos su mokinių klaidomis, o tai padėjo nustatyti sąsajas ir dėsningumus šiuose dviejuose duomenų rinkiniuose. Kitaip tariant, tyrime buvo siekiama nustatyti klaidų tipus, kurie gali turėti ženklios įtakos automatinio anotavimo klaidoms. Nurodytos galimos priežastys, paaiškinančios tyrime pastebėtą mokinių kalbos klaidų poveikį anotavimo įrankio tikslumui. Taip pat darbe bandyta paaiškinti pagrindinius veiksnius, galimai lėmusius automatinio kalbos dalių žymėjimo klaidas, susijusias su tekste esančiomis mokinių klaidomis.
Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad mokinių kalbos klaidų nulemtos CLAWS7 įrankio klaidos sudaro vos 2,8 % visų atvejų. Tačiau rašybos klaidos daro kur kas didesnį poveikį anotavimo tikslumui – įrankis priskyrė neteisingas žymas net 22 % tokių klaidų. Taigi atliktas darbas atskleidė, jog apskritai mokinių klaidos neturi didelės įtakos CLAWS7 įrankio tikslumui, tačiau rašybos klaidos – turi.
Raktažodžiai: mokinių anglų kalba, automatinis kalbos dalių žymėjimas (POS), mokinių kalbos klaidos, Tartu estų anglų kalbos mokinių tekstynas (TCELE), CLAWS7


Copyright © 2023 Liina Tammekänd, Reeli Torn-Leesik. Published by Vilnius University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

1. Introduction

Contemporary linguistic studies on L1 often use large collections of data or corpora to test their hypotheses. The same applies to studies on learner language. Learner language, also called interlanguage (Selinker 1972; Selinker, Rutherford 1992; Corder 1981), is a foreign language that the learner is learning and that is not an official language spoken in their home country (Granger 2008: 260). It represents the linguistic system that the learner builds on the basis of learned-language input. Learner language is characterised by its dynamic nature and variation, which reflect the stages of the learner’s progress towards achieving target language norms (Ellis 1994: 16).

Whereas earlier research on learner language was often based on data drawn from highly controlled language tests conducted with a small number of learner groups (Granger, Meunier 2015), contemporary research employs learner corpora – electronic collections of language learners’ texts (Granger 2008). Such corpora2 are large in size, provide samples from many learners and, owing to their electronic form, allow instantaneous searches and can be used in different types of studies. The results of learner corpus research help shed light on the characteristics of learner language, contribute to second language acquisition theory in general and to pedagogical methods and tools that are helpful in meeting language learners’ needs (Granger 2008).

Only a small number of learner language corpora have been compiled in Estonia to date. These include the two large corpora of Estonian as learner language (the Estonian Interlanguage Corpus of Tallinn University (EIC) and the learner language corpus of the University of Tartu) and a smaller one of learner Spanish (Tartu Learner Corpus of Spanish as a L3+), with Estonian learner English remaining a largely unexplored field. A study that deals with that field was published in 2022 by Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik, who tested the suitability of the automatic CLAWS7 (Constituent Likelihood Automatic Word-tagging System) tagger for tagging Estonian learner English by assessing the tagger’s error rate.

The present paper continues the study conducted by Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik (2022). Its aim is to determine the types of learner errors that have a marked impact on the performance of the CLAWS tagging system when tagging Estonian learner English.

The paper is divided into two main parts. The first one provides an overview of automatic part-of-speech (POS) tagging and POS taggers, introduces Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik’s (2022) study, explains the authors’ use of the terms ‘error’ and ‘mistake’ and discusses existing research on learner errors that influence the automatic part-of-speech tagging process. The second part analyses learner errors in the Tartu Corpus of Estonian Learner English (TCELE) and their impact on the CLAWS7 tagger’s performance when tagging Estonian learner English.

2. POS-tagging and learner errors

2.1 Automatic POS-tagging and POS-taggers

Corpus annotation involves adding interpretative, linguistic data to the corpus text (Leech 2013). Linguistic annotation such as POS-tagging, as well as syntactic, semantic and discourse annotation, allows information to be extracted that would otherwise be unobtainable from the corpus. For instance, finding reduced relative clauses in a large learner corpus without linguistic annotation would be very difficult as the construction is characterised by a null element, i.e., the absent relative pronoun (Kübler, Zinsmeister 2015: 21). In contrast, appropriate linguistic annotation enables researchers to retrieve a wide range of linguistic phenomena without much effort.

There are three commonly used types of POS-taggers. Rule-based POS-taggers employ hand-written disambiguation rules to assign POS-tags to words. Examples of these taggers include TAGGIT (Green, Rubin 1971), TOSCA (Oosdijk 1991), Constraint Grammars and EngCG (Voutilainen 1994, Karlsson et al. 1995). Stochastic taggers, such as the CLAWS tagger (Garside et al. 1987), rely on training from pre-tagged corpora to calculate the probability of a word having a specific tag in a given context. Hybrid taggers combine both manual disambiguation rules and probability calculations, with Brill (1992) being an example.

POS-tagging forms the basis for other types of corpus annotation such as parsing or semantic tagging. POS-tagging is mostly automatic, which means that a computer program (the tagger) assigns a part-of-speech tag to each word in the corpus without additional user input (Gries, Berez 2017; van Rooy 2015; Jurafsky, Martin 2008). POS-tagging takes place in three stages: first, the tagger divides the text into tokens; second, it finds possible tags for the words from the lexicon – or, if the word does not have a lexicon entry, the tagger attempts to guess which POS category it belongs to; finally, the tagger disambiguates the assigned POS-tags using contextual and statistical information (Voutilainen 1999, 2003).

For taggers of English, the final stage appears to be the most problematic (Voutilainen 2003) since many frequently used English words are ambiguous. For example, the tagger may have problems disambiguating prepositions, particles and adverbs. Also, participles and adjectives, as well as common nouns, proper nouns and adjectives when they appear as noun (phrase) modifiers may pose problems for the tagger (Jurafsky, Martin 2008). The accuracy of POS tagging depends on the morphological complexity of the corpus language, corpus size, the size of the tag set and the nature of the training corpus (Griez, Berez 2017).

The tagging of learner language may pose additional problems to taggers as learner language features structures and words that the tagger may not have encountered in the training corpus, which usually is a collection of native language texts (van Rooy 2015). Nagata et al. (2018) highlight three main issues a POS tagger is likely to run up against when tagging learner language. First, learner language may include unknown forms resulting from spelling or grammar mistakes that make the underlying word impossible for the tagger to recognise. Second, learner language may have different POS distributions compared to the training corpus. For instance, in newspaper texts, which are commonly used in training corpora, the word concentrate is usually a noun (e.g., orange juice concentrate), but in academic learner English, it is often a verb (e.g., concentrate on sth) (Chodorow and Leacock 2002). Third, learner language has characteristic POS-sequences (Nagata et al. 2018). Aarts and Granger (1998) observed that English learners with French, Dutch and Finnish L1 overuse sentence-initial connectives, adverbs, auxiliaries and pronouns and underuse patterns with prepositions, sentence-initial nouns, conjunctions + nouns and prepositions + -ing-verbs. These learner preferences may have a negative impact on automatic POS-tagging.

2.2 Tagging Estonian learner English with CLAWS7

As there are no separate automatic POS-taggers specifically designed for learner English, researchers have no other option but to utilise POS-taggers trained on native English data for tagging learner English. When selecting a POS-tagger for a learner English corpus, the first step is to evaluate the performance of the chosen tagger. In Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik (2022), the authors chose to test the suitability of the CLAWS7 automatic POS-tagging system for tagging the Estonian learner English corpus TCELE (for a more detailed description of TCELE, see Section 3). CLAWS7 was chosen because of its availability as a freely accessible tool and its convenient online user interface.

In Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik (2022), manually and automatically tagged samples of TCELE were compared, the tagger error rate was calculated, and possible reasons for tagger errors were investigated. The analysis showed that the CLAWS7 tagger had problems assigning correct tags to determiners, adverbs, general adverbs, and singular common nouns. The tagger successfully assigned general noun and verb tags but experienced problems when attempting to analyse words at a more granular level. Also, the tagger had problems differentiating between nouns and adverbs, as well as between conjunctions and adverbs. The analysis of the results also highlighted a shortcoming of the C7 tag set. For instance, the set does not have a separate tag for this/that in the (relative) pronominal function, which, in turn, makes it problematic for studying relative clause constructions in Estonian learner English.

The results of the study showed that the CLAWS7 tagger exhibited an error rate of 4.01%, consistent with previous findings in automatic POS-tagging of learner English (van Rooy 2015, van Rooy and Schafer 2002, de Haan 2000). Of the tagger’s errors, 0.56% were attributed to learner errors. In the current study, the authors aimed to investigate the specific types of learner errors that pose the greatest challenges for the CLAWS automatic tagging system when tagging Estonian learner English.

2.3 Errors and mistakes

Lennon (1991) points out that providing an unambiguous definition of ‘error’ is a challenging task, as can be seen from the range of formulations offered by different scholars. The definition of ‘error’ that is probably the broadest – and colourfully captures the phenomenon in an astutely brief turn of the phrase – is suggested by James (2013: 1), who considers it an ‘unsuccessful bit of language’. For him, ‘error’ is a relative term as it only becomes such in relation to other forms or to the rules that it violates. A similar but more prosaic formulation is proposed by Ellis (1994: 51) – ‘deviation from the norms of the target language’.

An example of a more specific definition is the one advanced by Corder (1967, 1981), who differentiates between learner errors and learner mistakes. The former reflect a failure of competence, while the latter are a failure of performance. Errors demonstrate a systematic lack of knowledge, which means that the learner is not aware of the error and is thus unable to correct it even if the error is pointed out to them (see also Hymes 1972). Mistakes, on the other hand, do not reflect a deficit of knowledge – rather, they are caused by some other circumstance and can be self-corrected by the learner (Pfingsthorn 2011). Ellis (1994: 47) compares learner mistakes with native speakers’ ‘slips of the tongue’.

Corder (1971, 1981) also distinguishes between overt and covert errors. Overt errors are digressions from form and are easy to identify. Covert errors occur when the utterance is “superficially ‘well-formed’” (Corder 1981: 21) but does not have the meaning the learner intended to convey. Covert errors are difficult to identify because identification involves a subjective evaluation on the part of the researcher, who makes stylistic rather than grammatical judgements (Ellis, Barkhuizen 2005). In other words, overt errors are related to grammaticality, while covert errors are associated with acceptability (Ellis, Barkhuizen 2005).

The present paper follows Ellis’ definition, approaching errors as deviations from the target norm. Since the authors are not interested in differentiating between student errors and mistakes and focus on the tagger’s performance instead, they have chosen a framework that allows a straightforward assessment of how deviations ‘from the norms of the target language’ affect the tagger.

2.4 Earlier research on learner errors influencing the automatic POS-tagging process

Researchers (de Haan 2002; van Rooy, Schäfer 2002; Mizumoto, Nagata 2017; Nagata et al. 2018) divide errors in texts produced by language learners into two broad categories: spelling errors and language errors. Spelling errors include typing, spacing and capitalisation errors. While typing errors are obvious keyboard mistakes, spacing errors either merge the words that need to stand separately (e.g., bankcard) or split the words that need to appear as a single form (e.g., can not). Capitalisation errors occur when a word that should be capitalised is not capitalised and vice versa.

Language errors, on the other hand, involve the language learner’s morphological, syntactic and lexical errors. Such errors are more diverse across different studies because their nature depends, among other things, on the learner’s L1. For instance, in addition to spelling errors, De Haan (2000) discusses word transfer, verb morphology and hypercorrection errors as well as errors specifically related to L1 spelling, morphology, lexis and pronunciation. For Van Rooy and Schäfer (2002), the category of language errors includes errors of articles, prepositions, agreement, lexical choice, clause patterns, pronouns, infinitives and errors of omission. In addition to these, Abdul Aziz and Mohd Don (2019) have pointed out word order, word form and overgeneralisation errors as those potentially specific to the learner’s L1.

POS-tagging errors may occur when tagging unknown as well as known words (Mizumoto, Nagata 2017, Nagata et al. 2018). The former result from spelling, spacing or capitalisation errors, while the latter represent language errors. Nagata et al. (2018) also note that foreign words and words not present in the tagger’s lexicon can be considered instances of unknown words and cause tagging problems. Researchers (van Rooy, Schäfter 2002; Mizumoto, Nagata 2017; Nagata et al. 2018) agree that spelling errors greatly affect the accuracy of correct POS-tagging. When evaluating the performance of three taggers when automatically POS-tagging the Tswana Learner English Corpus, Van Rooy and Schäfer (2002) found that correcting spelling errors significantly improved the taggers’ performance. However, the language errors in their spelling-corrected corpus still influenced the correct assignment of POS-tags. Van Rooy and Schäfer (2002) noted that not all language errors lead to tagging errors. For instance, the use of a wrong article or preposition still received a correct tag respectively, while verb conjugation errors posed serious problems to the taggers in their study.

3. Material and methods

The present study is based on the Tartu Corpus of Estonian Learner English (TCELE) – a written learner English corpus compiled at the Department of English Studies of the University of Tartu (Estonia). The corpus consists of short essays written as part of the entrance examination for the BA programme in English language and literature. The essays are modelled on a short journalistic text and as a rule run to 250–300 words. Writing the essay is timed, and its assumed CEFR level is B2. The candidates whose score falls below a certain threshold in the first part of the examination (a test of the examinee’s general lexico-grammatical competence) are not admitted to the second part, which tests reading and writing skills. This means that only the most linguistically competent candidates progress to the essay stage.

The main goal of this research, which builds upon Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik’s (2022) study, was to examine how learner errors influence the automatic POS-tagging assignment produced by the CLAWS7 tagger. As mentioned in Section 2.3, Ellis’s (1994) definition of error as ‘deviation from the norms of the target language’ was chosen as the working definition for the purposes of this paper. British English and American English varieties were taken as the ‘norm’ or ‘target language’ in the sense of Ellis’s error definition as the former is generally taught at Estonian schools, while the latter is prevalent in mass and social media. Thus, it can be assumed that the Estonian English learner has the most contact with these varieties. The focus was on overt learner errors as a possible influence on the tagger’s performance.

Having the above in mind, the following analytical steps were taken:

1. A TCELE sample of 24,812 words (92 essays) was POS-tagged using the CLAWS7 tag set.

2. Learner errors in the sample were manually identified by the authors of the paper.

3. Based on previous research (de Haan 2002; van Rooy, Schäfer 2002; Mizumoto, Nagata 2017; Nagata et al. 2018), errors were classified into two main groups, and a working error taxonomy was created (see Section 3.1).

4. POS-tagged and error-tagged samples were collated and compared to map correlations between learner errors and tagging errors.

5. Learner error taxons that correlated with a notable increase in the tagger’s error rate were identified.

6. Possible reasons were suggested to explain the impact of learner errors on tagging errors.

3.1 Learner error taxonomy

Following the approach taken in several studies (de Haan 2002; van Rooy, Schäfer 2002; Mizumoto, Nagata 2017; Nagata et al. 2018), errors in the TCELE sample were divided into two broad categories: spelling errors and language errors. Both categories can be subdivided further.

Spelling errors can be divided into subcategories reflecting erroneous use of the hyphen, typing slips, omissions or insertions of spaces between words, and capitalisation errors (see Table 1). In the sample used in this study, as in the previous studies (de Haan 2002; van Rooy, Schäfer 2002; Mizumoto, Nagata 2017; Nagata et al. 2018), typing errors resulted in nonwords (words not present in the language (e.g., litertaure) as well as real words that are listed in the lexicon but do not fit the context or sentence they appear in (e.g., it instead of in). Capitalisation errors occur when a word that should be capitalised is not capitalised and vice versa. A separate subcategory was created for instances where two or more different spelling errors occurred in a single word (e.g., id for I’d).

Table 1. Subcategories of spelling errors in the TCELE sample




Omission of a hyphen

Whether it is an artistic work of fiction or a real life experience, … (correct: ‘a real-life experience’).

Extra hyphen

When studying literature through-out the years, … (correct: ‘throughout’)?


Wrong spelling creates a word that does not exist

Litertaure has been around for hundreds of years (correct: ‘literature’).

Real word

Wrong spelling creates a word that exists but is wrong in the given context (homonyms)

It also played a huge role it their entertainment (correct: ‘in’)

Space merging

Two words written together

/… the negativity towards it stems from not getting to do it out of freewill, … (correct: ‘free will’).

Extra space

… becoming book worms (correct: ‘bookworms’).


A word that needs to be capitalised is not and vice versa

... but i believe that the negativity towards_it … (correct: ‘I’)

Compound spelling error

Two or more different spelling errors in one word

And id say the general consecion on the role of literature has stayed the same. (correct: ‘I’d’)

Language errors include instances of morphological, syntactic, and lexical errors. The subcategories identified in the TCELE sample are provided in Table 2. Verb errors are subcategorised for category errors consisting in the wrong choice of tense, agreement pattern, mood or voice, as well as pattern errors involving the wrong choice of verb form in the subcategorisation frame (for instance, the infinitive is used instead of the participle; see the example in Table 2). Errors with nouns are divided into two subcategories: (1) instances where the student has problems with the number category of the noun (singular vs plural) or with the use of uncountable nouns, and (2) instances of wrong use of the genitive construction (since the number of such instances was relatively large, the authors decided to treat it as a separate subcategory). The data also allowed for subcategories focussing on adjectives, articles, quantifiers, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions. The errors in these consist in the use of incorrect forms of the intended word (e.g., of the comparative degree of an adjective) or various omissions or insertions (e.g., of articles or prepositions).

Table 2. Subcategories of language errors in the TCELE sample







Verb’s grammatical category

wrong tense, agreement, mood or voice

In the past literature has been regarded … (correct: ‘was regarded’)

Verb pattern errors

wrong verbal form (infinitive or participle) in the verb pattern

/.../ I definitely see the creative community be more active, … (correct: ‘being’).

Genitive construction errors

missing apostrophe in the s-genitive

Which in todays currency is about 40$, … (correct: ‘in today’s currency’).

Noun phrase errors

number, countable/

uncountable nouns

… the basic knowledges among us … (correct: ‘knowledge’)

Quantifier errors

wrong quantifier

There are less and less libraries … (correct: ‘fewer and fewer’)

Article errors

wrong, missing or superfluous article

I am of an opinion (correct: ‘of the opinion’)

Pronoun errors

wrong, missing or superfluous pronoun

Not too long ago, there was a time where most people couldn‘t even read. (correct: ‘when’)

Adjective and adverb errors

wrong comparative forms, wrong adjective/adverb forms

… publishing a book has never been more easier. (correct: ‘easier’).

Preposition errors

wrong, missing or extra preposition

… to build a stronger foundation to the world we live in now (correct: ‘for’)

In his text he argued for that literature is more important … (correct: ‘argued that’)

Conjunction errors

wrong or missing conjunction

… that is a huge reason for the change in attitude towards literature, technology (correct: ‘literature and technology’).

Sentence structure errors

word order errors, comma splices, fragments, faulty parallelism, missing subjects and objects

Though literature has moved on from being physical to being more online, people tend to not have as much interest in it, as it had a hundred years ago (correct: ‘tend not to have’).

Derivation errors

word formation errors

… was perceived as merely entertainment. (correct: mere)

Lexical choice errors

collocation and idiomaticity errors

… can be seen in the numbers of people who have a literary degree. (correct: ‘literature degree’)

Miscellaneous errors

instances that did not fit in any of the above subcategories

… 100 years ago the of literature was considered a universal language … (correct: ‘ago literature’)

The analysed data also include errors in sentence structure and lexical errors. The subcategory of lexical errors involves problems with word derivation and collocation patterns. Sentence structure errors, in turn, reflect the learner’s problems with word order and clause combination. There were also instances of errors that did not fit in any of the above categories and were thus classed as miscellaneous.

The error taxonomy that emerged from the analysis serves as a tool for evaluating various aspects of the tagger’s performance and is not treated as a basis for error annotation.

4. Results and discussion

As mentioned in Section 3, a TCELE sample of 24,812 words (92 essays) was POS-tagged using CLAWS7 tag set and then manually error-tagged by the authors. The total number of errors made by the learners in the sample was 678, of which 560 were language errors and 118 spelling errors (see Table 3).

Table 3. Categories and number of learner errors in the TCELE sample


No of errors

Language errors


Spelling errors




The analysis focuses on the co-incidence of learner (language and spelling errors) and tagging errors (see Table 4). In this study, tagging errors were deemed to have been caused by learner errors when the tagger assigned the wrong POS-tag to the learner’s erroneous form. If the learner’s form is a real English word (although incorrect in the context) and the tagger tagged it as such, this is not considered a tagging error. Consider example (1), where the learner has omitted the apostrophe in the genitive construction required by the context (person’s) and written the plural form of the noun (persons) instead. Although the learner’s error leads the tagger to choose the NN2 tag, its choice is not wrong as such – persons is a noun and the s-suffix signals that the tagger is dealing with a plural noun; thus, the tagger has correctly identified the form it was presented with.

(1) I_PPIS1 think_VV0 that_DD1 literature_NN1 is_VBZ very_RG important_JJ to_II a_AT1 persons_NN2 life_NN1 ,_, because_CS literature_NN1 nurtures_NN2 and_CC helps_VVZ our_APPGE creativity_NN1 flow_VVI .

A similar situation occurs when an apostrophe is inserted in the possessive determiner its, as illustrated in (2). Here the learner’s mistaken presentation (it’s) causes the tagger to classify the contracted form as a pronoun followed by the present tense of be. Incorrect as this may be in the context, the form that the tagger sees is a real English structure and the tagger recognises it as such.

(2) Nowadays_RT the_AT study_NN1 of_IO literature_NN1 has_VHZ once_RR21 again_RR22 reclaimed_VVN it_PPH1 ‘s_VBZ rightful_JJ place_NN1 in_II both_DB2 academia_NN1 and_CC with_IW the_AT general_JJ public_NN1 ._.

The percentage of language errors that defied the tagger’s analysis and were attributed an incorrect POS tag was relatively low (38 of 560 errors, or 2.8%). As to spelling errors, every fifth such error (28 of 118, or 22%) resulted in a word that was wrongly tagged. This suggests that spelling errors – which, in the study, were associated with triple the rate of tagging errors caused by simple language errors on the part of the learner – appear to be considerably more problematic for the tagger. The results confirm those of Mizumoto and Nagata’s study (2017), which claims that spelling errors pose a major difficulty in automatic POS-tagging.

Table 4. Learner errors correlated to tagging errors

Total no of errors

No of tagging errors correlated to learner errors

% of tagging errors correlated to learner errors

Language errors

Verb’s grammatical category




Verb pattern








Noun phrase
















Adjective and adverb












Sentence structure








Lexical choice








Language errors total




Spelling errors

Omitted hyphen




Extra hyphen








Real word




Space merging




Extra space








Compound spelling errors




Spelling errors total




Examining language and spelling errors separately, it can be observed that within the category of language errors, the most frequent subcategories were sentence structure (112), the use of articles (105) and prepositions (80). Additionally, errors were noted in verb categories, including tense, mood, number and voice (75). Although the numbers of errors in these subcategories are relatively high, the resulting forms predominantly still received the correct POS-tag. For instance, in example (3), the learner uses the wrong participle form of the verb lead (the correct form would have been led), yet the tagger is able to assign it the correct tag (VVN), marking it as the past participle of the verb. In such cases the tagger appears to make its decision based on probabilities and the grammatical context.

(3) This_DD1 has_VHZ lead_VVN to_II the_AT downfall_NN1 of_IO the_AT quality_NN1 of_IO literature_NN1 nowadays_RT.

In the category of spelling errors, nonwords (42) and omitted hyphens (31) were the most frequent correlates of tagging errors. Although both numbers are relatively high among the relevant subcategories, the missing hyphen caused the tagger to return a markedly higher number of contextually incorrect tags. As illustrated in (4), the hyphen’s omission in the word real-life causes the tagger to assign the word two separate tags, JJ (adjective) and NN1 (noun) instead of a single one (JJ).

(4) Whether_CSW it_PPH1 is_VBZ an_AT1 artistic_JJ work_NN1 of_IO fiction_NN1 or_CC a_AT1 real_JJ life_NN1 experience_NN1.

In the case of nonwords, only 5 out of 42 instances led to a tagging error (12%). For instance, in example (5), the spelling mistake results in the nonword litertaure; however, it is likely that the similarity to the real word literature and the probable nominal slot in the sentence helps the tagger to assign the contextually correct tag to the learner’s form.

(5) Litertaure_NP1 has_VHZ been_VBN around_RP for_IF hundreds_NNO2 of_IO years_NNT2 ._.

Although the number of space merger errors is small (6), every third one (33.3%) correlates with a tagging error. Example (6) illustrates one instance of the resulting misclassification. The learner’s presentation of the words at least as a single form leads the tagger to analyse these – incorrectly – as a unit, which it then classifies as a noun.

(6) Especially_RR books_VVZ that_CST are_VBR atleast_NN1 one_MC1 hundred_NNO years_NNT2 old_JJ

The learners in the sample made 11 capitalisation errors, 5 of which affected the tagger’s recognition of the resulting form. For instance, in example (7) the learner has written the 1st person pronoun I as a lowercase letter, which results in the tagger classifying it as a singular cardinal number (MC1). Unlike in example (3) above, it seems that here the tagger does not base its decision on the grammatical context, instead relying on the spelling of the form.

(7) of_IO hatred_NN1 for_IF having_VHG to_TO study_VVI the_AT artform_NN1 ,_, but_CCB i_MC1 believe_VV0 that_CST the_AT negativity_NN1 towards_II it_PPH1

As noted in Section 2.2, Tammekänd and Torn-Leesik’s (2022) study showed that the CLAWS7 tagger’s low error rate (4.01%) makes it a suitable tool for tagging Estonian learner English. However, the results of the present study show that learners’ spelling errors are likely to have a marked impact on the tagger’s performance. When evaluating the performance of three different taggers (TOSCA_ICLE, Brill tagger, CLAWS) on the Tswana Learner English Corpus, Van Rooy and Schäfer (2002) found that editing out spelling errors improved the taggers’ performance. Thus, editing the TCELE sample would probably further reduce the tagger’s overall error rate.

5. Concluding remarks

The aim of this study was to identify learner errors that are the likely cause of tagging errors during automatic POS-tagging of Estonian learner English. For that, a 24,812-word sample of the Tartu Corpus of Estonian Learner English (TCELE) was, first, automatically POS-tagged using the automatic CLAWS7 POS-tagging system. Then, the learners’ errors were identified by the authors. Similarly to the studies reported by de Haan (2002), van Rooy and Schäfer (2002), Mizumoto and Nagata (2017), and Nagata et al. (2018), the data of this study allowed learner errors to be classified into two major groups – language errors and spelling errors. Both were then subcategorised (see Section 3.1). The POS-tagged and error-tagged samples were collated and compared to identify the error taxons that increased the likelihood of tagging errors.

The total number of learner errors in the sample was 678, of which 560 were language errors and 118 spelling errors. Only 16 (2.8%) of the 560 language errors appearing in learners’ texts were misanalysed by the tagger. In contrast, the tagger was misled by 26 (22%) of the 118 spelling errors. The study highlighted that while the CLAWS7 tagger has shown low error rates in tagging Estonian learner English, learners’ spelling errors impact the tagger’s performance.


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CLAWS7 Tagset

APPGE possessive pronoun, pre-nominal (e.g., my, your, our)

AT article (e.g., the, no)

AT1 singular article (e.g., a, an, every)

BCL before-clause marker (e.g., in order (that), in order (to))

CC coordinating conjunction (e.g., and, or)

CCB adversative coordinating conjunction (but)

CS subordinating conjunction (e.g., if, because, unless, so, for)

CSA as (as conjunction)

CSN than (as conjunction)

CST that (as conjunction)

CSW whether (as conjunction)

DA after-determiner or post-determiner capable of pronominal function (e.g., such, former, same)

DA1 singular after-determiner (e.g., little, much)

DA2 plural after-determiner (e.g., few, several, many)

DAR comparative after-determiner (e.g., more, less, fewer)

DAT superlative after-determiner (e.g., most, least, fewest)

DB before determiner or pre-determiner capable of pronominal function (all, half)

DB2 plural before-determiner (both)

DD determiner (capable of pronominal function) (e.g., any, some)

DD1 singular determiner (e.g., this, that, another)

DD2 plural determiner (these, those)

DDQ wh-determiner (which, what)

DDQGE wh-determiner, genitive (whose)

DDQV wh-ever determiner, (whichever, whatever)

EX existential there

FO formula

FU unclassified word

FW foreign word

GE Germanic genitive marker - (‘ or ‘s)

IF for (as preposition)

II general preposition

IO of (as preposition)

IW with, without (as prepositions)

JJ general adjective

JJR general comparative adjective (e.g., older, better, stronger)

JJT general superlative adjective (e.g., oldest, best, strongest)

JK catenative adjective (able in be able to, willing in be willing to)

MC cardinal number, neutral for number (two, three..)

MC1 singular cardinal number (one)

MC2 plural cardinal number (e.g., sixes, sevens)

MCGE genitive cardinal number, neutral for number (two’s, 100’s)

MCMC hyphenated number (40-50, 1770-1827)

MD ordinal number (e.g., first, second, next, last)

MF fraction, neutral for number (e.g., quarters, two-thirds)

ND1 singular noun of direction (e.g., north, southeast)

NN common noun, neutral for number (e.g., sheep, cod, headquarters)

NN1 singular common noun (e.g., book, girl)

NN2 plural common noun (e.g., books, girls)

NNA following noun of title (e.g., M.A.)

NNB preceding noun of title (e.g., Mr., Prof.)

NNL1 singular locative noun (e.g., Island, Street)

NNL2 plural locative noun (e.g., Islands, Streets)

NNO numeral noun, neutral for number (e.g., dozen, hundred)

NNO2 numeral noun, plural (e.g., hundreds, thousands)

NNT1 temporal noun, singular (e.g., day, week, year)

NNT2 temporal noun, plural (e.g., days, weeks, years)

NNU unit of measurement, neutral for number (e.g., in, cc)

NNU1 singular unit of measurement (e.g., inch, centimetre)

NNU2 plural unit of measurement (e.g., ins., feet)

NP proper noun, neutral for number (e.g., IBM, Andes)

NP1 singular proper noun (e.g., London, Jane, Frederick)

NP2 plural proper noun (e.g., Browns, Reagans, Koreas)

NPD1 singular weekday noun (e.g., Sunday)

NPD2 plural weekday noun (e.g., Sundays)

NPM1 singular month noun (e.g., October)

NPM2 plural month noun (e.g., Octobers)

PN indefinite pronoun, neutral for number (none)

PN1 indefinite pronoun, singular (e.g., anyone, everything, nobody, one)

PNQO objective wh-pronoun (whom)

PNQS subjective wh-pronoun (who)

PNQV wh-ever pronoun (whoever)

PNX1 reflexive indefinite pronoun (oneself)

PPGE nominal possessive personal pronoun (e.g., mine, yours)

PPH1 3rd person sing. neuter personal pronoun (it)

PPHO1 3rd person sing. objective personal pronoun (him, her)

PPHO2 3rd person plural objective personal pronoun (them)

PPHS1 3rd person sing. subjective personal pronoun (he, she)

PPHS2 3rd person plural subjective personal pronoun (they)

PPIO1 1st person sing. objective personal pronoun (me)

PPIO2 1st person plural objective personal pronoun (us)

PPIS1 1st person sing. subjective personal pronoun (I)

PPIS2 1st person plural subjective personal pronoun (we)

PPX1 singular reflexive personal pronoun (e.g., yourself, itself)

PPX2 plural reflexive personal pronoun (e.g., yourselves, themselves)

PPY 2nd person personal pronoun (you)

RA adverb, after nominal head (e.g., else, galore)

REX adverb introducing appositional constructions (namely, e.g.)

RG degree adverb (very, so, too)

RGQ wh- degree adverb (how)

RGQV wh-ever degree adverb (however)

RGR comparative degree adverb (more, less)

RGT superlative degree adverb (most, least)

RL locative adverb (e.g., alongside, forward)

RP prep. adverb, particle (e.g., about, in)

RPK prep. adv., catenative (about in be about to)

RR general adverb

RRQ wh- general adverb (where, when, why, how)

RRQV wh-ever general adverb (wherever, whenever)

RRR comparative general adverb (e.g., better, longer)

RRT superlative general adverb (e.g., best, longest)

RT quasi-nominal adverb of time (e.g., now, tomorrow)

TO infinitive marker (to)

UH interjection (e.g., oh, yes, um)

VB0 be, base form (finite i.e., imperative, subjunctive)

VBDR were

VBDZ was

VBG being

VBI be, infinitive (to be or not... it will be ..)

VBM am

VBN been

VBR are

VBZ is

VD0 do, base form (finite)

VDD did

VDG doing

VDI do, infinitive (I may do... to do...)

VDN done

VDZ does

VH0 have, base form (finite)

VHD had (past tense)

VHG having

VHI have, infinitive

VHN had (past participle)

VHZ has

VM modal auxiliary (can, will, would, etc.)

VMK modal catenative (ought, used)

VV0 base form of lexical verb (e.g., give, work)

VVD past tense of lexical verb (e.g., gave, worked)

VVG -ing participle of lexical verb (e.g., giving, working)

VVGK -ing participle catenative (going in be going to)

VVI infinitive (e.g., to give... It will work...)

VVN past participle of lexical verb (e.g., given, worked)

VVNK past participle catenative (e.g., bound in be bound to)

VVZ -s form of lexical verb (e.g., gives, works)

XX not, n’t

ZZ1 singular letter of the alphabet (e.g., A, b)

ZZ2 plural letter of the alphabet (e.g., A’s, b’s)

1 The authors are listed alphabetically.

2 e.g., The Longman Learners’ Corpus of 10m words or The Cambridge Learner Corpus of 50m words.