Письменность Великого княжества Литовского как источник лексических заимствований в других славянских языках
Людмила Павловна Гарбулъ
Вильнюсский университет
Publikuota 2010-12-01

Kaip cituoti

Павловна Гарбулъ, Л. (2010) “Письменность Великого княжества Литовского как источник лексических заимствований в других славянских языках”, Slavistica Vilnensis, 55(2), pp. 77–94. Available at: https://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/slavistica-vilnensis/article/view/26915 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).


The article examines the history of the following words found in Russian chancery language (diplomatic correspondence) of Muscovite Russia of the first half of the 17th century: voloka ‘lot and land measure (about 16,8-21 hectare) in the Great Duchy of Lithuania and in the West part of Muscovite Russia’, vypustoʃьyti ‘devastate’, vyrazumeti ‘understand, comprehend; clear up, get to know’, naruʃьyvati ‘break’ and naruʃьytisia ‘be/get broken’. The author aims at proving that these intraslavonic derivates are interslavonic lexical loan-words from the written languages of the Great Duchy of Lithuania in the other Slavonic languages: Polish (wypustoszyć, wyrozumieć, naruszyć się) and Russian (voloka, vypustošyti, vyrazumeti, narušyvati, narušytisia) and retraces further fate of these words in all contacting languages.



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