Крижанич и Караджич: в поисках метаязыковых решений
Александр Дмитриевич Дуличенко
Тартуский университет
Publikuota 2000-12-01

Kaip cituoti

Дмитриевич Дуличенко, А. (2000) “Крижанич и Караджич: в поисках метаязыковых решений”, Slavistica Vilnensis, 49(2), pp. 25–36. doi:10.15388/SV.2000.23117.


The article compares two linguistic strategies for the creation of standard (literary) languages, those of Juraj Križanić (1617/1618–1683) and Vuk Karadžić (1787–1864).

As a typical representative of his age, J. Križanić designed an abstract linguistic system meant to form the base for a common Slavic language (ruski jezik or vseslavjanskij jazyk, in his terms), based on a number of Slavic languages or dialects.

V. Karadžić, a representative of 19th-century linguistics and the founder of the Serbian literary language, proceeded in a different way: he singled out one dialect basis for the future standard language and then supplemented it with elements from other dialects of the same language.



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