Evocation and Exemplification (On Typology of Verbalization in Fiction)
Vladimir Zaika
The Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Russia
Publikuota 2006-06-28

Kaip cituoti

Zaika, V. (2006) “Evocation and Exemplification (On Typology of Verbalization in Fiction)”, Respectus Philologicus, (9 (14), pp. 38–51. doi:10.15388/RESPECTUS.2006.37633.


The article discusses the problem of verbai embodiment of an artistic idea in the text. The notion of expression, which is a relation between the idea and the text, is realized as the notion of aesthetical realization of language. Making reference to the claims of M. A Petrovskij, the author uses the terms of representation and expression to differentiate artistic language and practical speech. The specificity of artistic embodiment of the idea lies in the impossibility to re-express it in a different form. Therefore, any artistic embodiment is defined as a representation being in relation of opposition to the other mode of verbai embodiment - expression in a non fiction communication. The article proposes the typology of representation as a way of embodiment of a poetical object. The typology as well as the redefining of the notion of expression was needed to develop the notion of an artistic model, which emphasizes the equal value of the depicted reality, narrating subject and language. Two types of representation were distinguished: mediatory when the poetical object is denoted and represented through the semantics of a word; non mediatory when the embodiment is realized through the immediate plan of expression because of its similarity (exemplification) or its adjacency (evocation) to the depicted object. The article presents different methods of exemplification and evocation realized in poetical language and prose.

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