T 32 (2023): The Abstract Book of the XX Conference for Junior Scientists in Psychology

T 32 (2023)

Vilnius University Proceedings
The Abstract Book of the XX Conference for Junior Scientists in Psychology

Conference for Junior Scientists in Psychology is an annual event organized by Ph.D. students at Vilnius University, Institute of Psychology. The conference gives an opportunity for psychology students and junior researchers from various universities in Lithuania to present their scientific work and findings. In 2023, the conference focused on the importance of community and collaboration in research work.

Publikuota 2023-04-25

Pilnas leidinys

Agnietė Kairytė | Dovilė Mikučionytė | Augustė Nomeikaitė
The Abstract Book of the XX Conference for Junior Scientists in Psychology
Santraukos peržiūros 333 | Straipsnio (PDF) atsisiuntimai 722