All submissions should be made online at the Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control Electronic Journal Management System (EJMS)
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that the material submitted to the Journal must be original, must not have appeared in another publication and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration for the Journal.
Contributions to Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control must report original research and will be subject to peer-review. The corresponding Author should indicate three preferred and two not preferred reviewers.
It is strongly advised that manuscripts should be ready for publication and prepared in accordance with all the instructions (see Guidelines for Authors) and samples given in files
Overleaf users can find templates:
Please note that it is in the author’s interest to provide the highest quality figure format possible.
After review Corresponding Author must submit Agreement Form. Scanned agreement form with Corresponding Author sign can be submitted together with revision file as supplementary file.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Editorial Office if you have any queries by email:
Guidelines for Authors
NAMC journal accepts only submissions prepared in LaTeX. Each manuscript should have the following structure: the title, name and institution of author(s), date of submission, abstract and keywords (and/or classification terms), textual description, list of references, appendices (if needed). The abstract should contain approximately 100 words. The volume of the article is up to 20 pages. The review articles are recognized by journal as special ones. These articles (if any) will occupy the starting positions in the journal, and may contain more than 20 pages. Text in article have to follow a few simple guidelines: complex mathematical expressions have to be justified, displayed formulas have to be set flush left instead of centered, algorithms have to be presented in the style of alltt (LaTeX), postscript specials have to be absent in image file format. The enumeration of references within any article has to be organized in alphabetic order (see the sample file). References have to be distinguished between journal articles, collective works, and books and presented in BibTeX style. (It is strongly recommended for authors to follow the style of bibliographic description of references as presented in sample files.) Please add Doi field for articles (and books).
Editorial Board Address
Romas Baronas, Editor-In-Chief
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University
Naugarduko str. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania