Kuo svarbi istoriografijos istorija? Istorikų identiteto problemos Lietuvos istoriografijoje
Aurimas Švedas
Vilniaus universitetas
Aurelijus Gieda
Vilniaus universitetas
Publikuota 2005-12-28

Kaip cituoti

Švedas, A. and Gieda, A. (2005) “Kuo svarbi istoriografijos istorija? Istorikų identiteto problemos Lietuvos istoriografijoje”, Lietuvos istorijos studijos, 16, pp. 42–47. doi:10.15388/LIS.2005.37109.


This article discusses the limits of competence of the history of historiography. An attempt is made to answer the question, what positive effect could be gained from the investigations of the history of historiography for society, the historians' community, and individual researchers. Such a task could be posed considering the history of historiography as a complex discipline. Currently, efforts are made to evaluate the tradition of the research in the 20th century. The article raises an issue, whether it is possible to realize these efforts without conceptual history of historiography; hypotheses about alteration of identities of the community of Lithuanian historians are formulated.

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