Knygotyra ISSN 0204–2061 eISSN 2345-0053
2024, vol. 82, pp. 272–276

The collaboration of Wrocław book researchers with Knygotyra journal

Bożena Koredczuk
University of Wrocław
Institute of Information and Media Studies
50-137 Wrocław, pl. Uniwersytecki 9/13, Poland

Received: 2024 01 13.
Copyright © 2024 Bożena Koredczuk. Published by Vilnius University Press. This is an Open Access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Knygotyra has a long history, which covers the initial period between 1961 and 1969, when it was published under the title Issues of Librarianship and Bibliography, changed into Knygotyra (Book Studies) in 1970. Since the very beginning, its editorial office has been located at the University of Vilnius, where it had strong personal ties with the Institute of Book Science and Documentation, currently – the Faculty of Communication. Because the articles published in Knygotyra were often based on papers presented at international conferences organized by the aforementioned Institute, they were compiled in so-called thematic issues. The very conferences, which attracted numerous Lithuanian and foreign researchers on books and libraries, were forums for international contacts. It was namely thanks to these contacts that the collaboration between the journal and Polish authors from the University of Wrocław was born.

The publication of the 80th issue of Knygotyra in 2023 encourages us to present this group of Polish, or to be more specific – Wrocław-based, contributors to this excellent scholarly journal, which, after the political transformation in the 1990s, established academic contacts between the Institute of Library Science (since 2003 – the Institute of Information and Library Science, and since 2022 – the Institute of Information and Media Studies) and the then Departments of Librarianship, Information Systems, Book Studies and Bibliography, now – the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University1. The main initiators of this collaboration were Professor Domas Kaunas from Lithuania/Vilnius and Professor Krzysztof Migoń from Poland/Wrocław. It is thanks to these two scholars and their commitment that the collaboration developed very intensively, especially between 1997 and 2010. Wrocław researchers published their works in Knygotyra almost every year, in each issue, and the most articles were written by Krzysztof Migoń (7 articles), Małgorzata Komza (3), and Anna Żbikowska-Migoń (2). The remaining authors – Marta Skalska-Zlat, Agnieszka Łuszpak and Bożena Koredczuk – had one publication each. At that time, the editor-in-chief of the journal was Domas Kaunas and most of the articles by Wrocław researchers were then published (see table 1).

Table 1. The ranking of authors according to the number of publications in Knygotyra. For the same number of published articles (appendix), alphabetical order by surname was used.


Surname and name
of the author

Number of pub­lished articles

Year of publication


Migoń Krzysztof


1997, 1998, 1999, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010


Komza Małgorzata


2002, 2005, 2008


Żbikowska-Migoń Anna


2001, 2010


Koredczuk Bożena




Łuszpak Agnieszka




Matwijów Maciej




Skalska-Zlat Marta



16 articles in total

between 1997 and 2021

Source: prepared by the author – BK

For several years, the editor-in-chief of the journal has been Aušra Navickienė. After a few years’ break, in 2021, the periodical published an article by Maciej Matwijów. Between 1997 and 2021 a total of 16 articles by Wrocław researchers were published in this journal: 7 in English, 7 in Russian and 2 in Lithuanian (see the appendix with the list of the titles and bibliographic data of the articles published by Wrocław authors in the journal Knygotyra). Currently, Knygotyra publishes articles mainly in the Lithuanian and English languages. Thanks to the use of English, it participates in international scholarly communication. Most of the analysed articles focus on issues related to books: ethnic, bibliophilic, and legal aspects, books’ typology, bibliography as well as issues of book studies in a European and national perspectives. Much research has been carried out on the history of books on the Polish-Lithuanian border.

Research conducted in the 21st century by Katarzyna Janczulewicz shows that in the last two decades as many as 108 works on bibliology and information technology written by Polish authors have been published in Lithuania. The predominant form were articles in journals (74), published in 7 periodicals, including Tarp knygų, Knygotyra, and Bìblìotečnij Vìsnik2. This confirms that Knygotyra is appreciated by Polish scholars and is a willingly chosen journal in which they publish their works focusing on the history and presence of books, libraries and information.

Nowadays, the value of a scholarly journal in international circulation is determined by its position abroad, as evidenced by its place in registered databases or on foreign ministerial lists. In 2019, an official scoring system for scientific journals, both Polish and foreign ones, was introduced in Poland and published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In this list, which is updated on an ongoing basis, periodicals are assigned to the academic disciplines distinguished in Poland and given points. Polish researchers are recommended to publish their works in the journals included in this list, which since its very compilation has included the journal Knygotyra3. This confirms the high level of this periodical and its high ranking position in Polish science.

Finally, it should be added that the Editorial Board of Knygotyra has inclu­ded Wrocław researchers, in particular Krzysztof Migoń, who has made a special contribution to the theory and history of bibliology and to this periodical and who has been an Honorary Member of the Editorial Board for over a dozen years. In November 2021, Bożena Koredczuk also joined the Editorial Board. It is hoped that the Knygotyra journal will appear for many more years, constantly publishing articles at a high academic level, and that researchers from the Institute of Information and Media Sciences of the University of Wrocław and other authors from Poland will regularly contribute with their papers to this periodical.

Appendix. List of the titles and bibliographic data of the articles published by Wrocław authors in the journal Knygotyra (prepared by the author – BK)

1. Krzysztof Migoń

Book policy in the contemporary world, Vol. 33 (1997), p. 59–66.

Šiuolaikines knygos istoriografijos aspektai, Vol. 34 (1998), p. 155–163.

Terminologijos vaidmuo knygotyroje, Vol. 35 (1999), p. 18–22.

Writing systems : political and bibliological issues Vol. 44 (2005), p. 220–229.

Osobennosti vostočnoevropejskogo knigovedenija i formirovanie nacionalnych naučnych škol do vtoroj mirovoj vojny, T. 48 (2007), s. 9-21.

Nacional’naja (etničeskaja) kniga v Evrope konca XIX – načala XX veka, Vol. 52 (2009), p. 186–196.

Paradigmy nauki o knige dwesti let tomu nazad i segodnâ, Vol. 54 (2010), p. 44–53.

2. Małgorzata Komza

Kipsek: ot knigi - podarka do bibliofil’skoj kollekcii, Vol. 38 (2002), p. 47–65.

Freedom of pictorial representation in books, Vol. 44 (2005), p. 239–251.

Homeland images in the publications, collections and readings of the Polish emigrants, Vol. 50 (2008), p. 188–203.

3. Anna Żbikowska-Migoń

Issledovanija istorii bibliografii : dostiženija i perspektivy, Vol. 37 (2001), p. 115-126.

U istokov evropejskogo knigovedeniâ: tipologiâ publikacij po istorii knigi v XVIII stoletii, Vol. 54 (2010), p. 62-73.

4. Bożena Koredczuk

Pol’skaja kniga nakanune vosstanovlenija nezavisimosti gosudarstva (1918 g.): političeskie, kul’turnye i uridičeskie obstojatel’stva, Vol. 52 (2009), p. 219–230.

5. Agnieszka Łuszpak

Polish heritage of Vilnius book studies between the two world wars, Vol. 48 (2007), p. 97–111.

6. Maciej Matwijów

Manuscript Books: Collections of Political Life Materials from the Area of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Dating Back to the 17th and 18th Centuries in Libraries, Archives and Museums in Poland, Vol. 77 (2021), p. 171–202.

7. Marta Skalska-Zlat

Bibliographic method, its modern variants and applications, Vol. 37 (2001), p. 84–95.

1 History of the Faculty [of Communication, Vilnius University], online [accessed: 29.12.2023].

2 K. Janczulewicz, “Polska bibliologia i informatologia w polonikach zagranicznych wydanych w latach 2001–2014 w krajach sąsiadujących z Polską: Raport z przeprowa­dzonego badania”, Nowa Biblioteka. Usługi, Technologie Informacyjne i Media nr 4 (27), 2017, p. 105-106, available online: [accessed: 27.12.2023].

3 Komunikat Ministra Nauki z dnia 05 stycznia 2024 r. w sprawie wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, available online: [accessed: 06.01.2024].