Казимир Буга и вопросы балто-славо-финно-угорских языковых отношений (В переписке с Й. Миккола)
Александр Дмитриевич Дуличенко
Publikuota 1997-12-01

Kaip cituoti

Дуличенко, А.Д. (1997) “Казимир Буга и вопросы балто-славо-финно-угорских языковых отношений (В переписке с Й. Миккола)”, Kalbotyra, 46(2), pp. 71–80. Available at: https://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/kalbotyra/article/view/31342 (Accessed: 4 September 2024).


In March-April of 1996 the author of the article investigated the Collection of J. Мikkola in the National Archives of Finland under the support of Venäjän- ja Itä Euroopan Intituutti. There, three letters from K. Buga to J. Mikkola were discovered, in which he discusses some problematic questions of Balto-Slavic and Finnо-Ugriс language relations. Besides these letters, some Lithuanian editions of the private library of J. Mikkola (which is now а part of the library of Turku University) report about the personal contacts between these two scholars. The list of the editions is also enclosed with the article.



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