Šiaurės žemaičių priebalsių audicinė (psichoakustinė) klasifikacija
Regina Kliukienė
Publikuota 1997-12-01

Kaip cituoti

Kliukienė, R. (1997) “Šiaurės žemaičių priebalsių audicinė (psichoakustinė) klasifikacija”, Kalbotyra, 46(1), pp. 37–41. Available at: https://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/kalbotyra/article/view/31321 (Accessed: 16 March 2025).


The auditory hierarchical grouping of Žemaitian consonants has revealed two main types of consonant classes: a) fricative consonants + affricates; b) plosives + sonorants.

The psychoacoustic analysis has revealed that: 1) the representatives of the dialect perceive affricates as the sounds similar to fricative consonants, although in the phonological system they should be considered as plosives; 2) plosives manifest greater similarity to sonorants; 3) the rolled sonorant r plays a special role in the consonant system; 4) vocal cords are of particular importance in the perception of consonants; 5) acoustic consonant classes in North Žemaitian do not actually differ from those in other dialects.



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