Способы выражения субъекта в художеcтвенном тексте современного английского и литовского языков
Янина Буйткене
Publikuota 1987-12-01

Kaip cituoti

Буйткене, Я. (1987) “Способы выражения субъекта в художеcтвенном тексте современного английского и литовского языков”, Kalbotyra, 38(3), pp. 29–36. Available at: https://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/kalbotyra/article/view/30988 (Accessed: 17 July 2024).


Participant line as well as Event line can be seen as the backbone of a text in any language. The identification of the participant is realized by various lexical devices in English and Lithuanian texts. They include: reiteration of the same word, reiteration of a synonym or near-synonym, reiteration of an antonym, reiteration of a superordinate, reiteration of words related as part to whole, etc.



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