Монета или белка? (К толкованию одного “темного места” в “Повести временных лет”
Б. Синочкина
Publikuota 1978-12-01

Kaip cituoti

Синочкина, Б. (1978) “Монета или белка? (К толкованию одного “темного места” в ‘Повести временных лет’”, Kalbotyra, 29(2), pp. 33–45. Available at: (Accessed: 17 July 2024).


The present paper gives a possible interpretation of the annals’ phrase побълъ и въверицъ meaning a size or the ancient tribute.

Owing to the omision or intervals between words in old Russian manuscripts this expression can be understood in two ways: по бълъ и въвернцъ – conventional translation “a silver coin and a squirrel’s hide” or по бълъи въверицъ – “a squirrel’s white (winter) hide”.

The author of the paper is of an opinion that the first segmentation of the phrase is more plausible from a linguistic viewpoint but considers the collocation a synonymous pair where both the word бъла and the one въверица denote by different terms the same object – squirrel’s hide.



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