Author Guidelines
PDF version of Author Guidelines
The journal “Ekonomika” presents original explanations and solutions to theoretical and methodological economic problems, research, and focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the current state and development of economics, economic sectors and business strategies in local and foreign markets, which contribute to the advancement of economic science mostly in, but not limited to, the Central and East European (CEE) region. Also, investigations of practical issues of the regional economy, and evaluation of methods and solutions to economic problems may be submitted. The journal presents analyses of economic management issues, their scholarly interpretation and evaluation, which are of interest to academics and practitioners.
The journal “Ekonomika” follows the JEL classification system as a standard method of classifying scholarly literature in the field of economics. For descriptions and examples, see the JEL Codes Guide.
Authors are also invited to submit book reviews, critiques, and other informative material for publication at the end of each issue. All papers are reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and checked for academic similarity by special computer programs. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism in the paper.
The journal “Ekonomika” (published by Vilnius University (Lithuania), Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland) and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)) is abstracted and indexed in the following databases: SCOPUS, EBSCO, Econlit, Baidu Scholar, BASE, Cabell’s directories of Academic Journals, CORE, Dimensions, DOAJ Seal, Google Scholar (h5-index 8; g5-median 12), ERIH-PLUS, HEAL link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link), IDEAS, J-Gate, Journal Scholar Metrics, Lituanistika, Primo Central (ExLibris), ProQuest, QOAM, ROAD, Redalyc, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo, List B of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (20 points).
Authors should submit two files to guarantee a double-blind process.
The first contains the paper's title, the author's name(s), academic degree and title, affiliation (including department), address, telephone, ORCiD, provide your institutions ROR, and e-mail address of all authors. The Editorial Board does not consider papers with more than 4 authors.
One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with the author’s email address provided in the submission form. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after the paper has been accepted for publication.
Short biographic information can be provided by the corresponding author at the time of manuscript submission. Once the paper has been accepted for publication, all co-authors have to provide a short biographic information (no more than 200 words). This information will be visible on the published article’s landing page.
In case if there is more than one author, please provide an explanation at the end of the article detailing each author's contributions according to the CRediT criteria. Reference: CRediT_Taxonomy_Terms_and_Definitions_list.
Example: Author contributions
John Jonsered: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing, visualization. Lucy Schneider: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing.
The second file with the article text should begin with the paper title, an abstract, followed by the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, conclusions and policy recommendations. The abstract should have the research objective clearly highlighted, methods, new results, conclusions, up to 5 keywords, and up to 5 JEL Classification Codes. The length of the abstract should be no more than 3000 symbols. The body of the paper must contain all the necessary parts of a scientific paper. The text must be printed using a 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font in a common word processing format, such as Word or similar. We will not accept documents in the PDF format. It is strongly recommended not to exceed 45.000 symbols in the paper, counting references and appendixes. References to authors in the text should be in the following style: (Kohonen, 2021; Tyugu, 2003). The list of bibliographic references must be presented in alphabetic order, and the format of references should follow the APA7 Style manualrequirements. For example:
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., &Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.
- Parenthetical citation: (Grady et al., 2019)
- Narrative citation: Grady et al. (2019)
Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.
Svendsen, S., &Løber, L. (2020). The big picture/Academic writing: The one-hour guide (3rd digital ed.). Hans Reitzel Forlag.
- Parenthetical citations: (Jackson, 2019; Sapolsky, 2017; Svendsen &Løber, 2020)
- Narrative citations: Jackson (2019), Sapolsky (2017), and Svendsen and Løber (2020)
At least half of the references should be within the last 5 years. At least 50 % of references should be publications, indexed in Academic Journal Guide, Scopus, Web of Sciencedatabases, including respective doi-s. All works cited should be listed after the main body of the text, and all figures and tables must have appropriate sources mentioned.
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