The winners of the Best Paper award for the volume of papers in English for the year 2023
Following an evaluation, by members ot the Editorial Board, of all the papers in English, the award is made to:
Framing Gender in Romanian 2019’s Presidential Elections. A Comparison between Broadsheet and Tabloid Content Newspapers, by Veronica Campian and Ioana Iancu
The runners up were:
Beauty Standard Perception of Women: A Reception Study Based on Foucault’s Truth Relations and Truth Games, by Hasan Gürkan and Aybike Serttaş
Social Media Strategies for Gender Artivism: A Generation of Feminist Spanish Women Illustrator Influencers, by Isabel Palomo-Domínguez, Gloria Jiménez-Marín, and Nuria Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela
Congratulations to the authors!
The winners of the Best Paper award for the volume of papers in English for the year 2022
Following an evaluation, by members ot the Editorial Board, of all the papers in English, the award is made to:
Novel technologies as potential catalyst for democratizing urban heritage preservation practices: the case of 3d scanning and AI, by Rimvydas Laužikas, Tadas Žižiūnas, and Vladislav Fomin
The runners up were:
Global, not yet local: media coverage of climate change and environment related challenges in Latvia, by Vineta Kleinberga
Women’s initiatives and the reform movement of Lithuania (1988–1989), by Virginija Jurėnienė, and Giedrė Purvaneckienė
Congratulations to the authors!
Purpose of the Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize the best refereed paper published in the volume year of the Information & Media journal.
All peer-reviewed papers published in the volume year of I&M are eligible for the award. (Comment and World Reports and News articles are not eligible, as these categories of articles are not peer reviewed).
Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:
- Societal or scientific/technical significance of the topic or problem investigated or discussed (universality, urgency, impact, etc.); and
- Usefulness of the paper to practicing information professionals (applicability, timeliness, scope, problem-solving value, etc.).
Professional Merit
- Creativity and originality, as reflected in new insights, interpretations, facts, innovations, methods, applications, etc. (stimulating, informative, enlightening, etc.);
- Scientific and professional quality of the research, review, development work, methods of inquiry, etc. (competent, valid, replicable, etc.); and
- Scholarship embodied in the presentation, explanations, interpretations, and discussions as evidenced by the connection with prior research in both literature review and discussion.
Presentation Quality
- Readability, effective organization and presentation of concepts, facts, arguments, etc. (structure, logic, persuasiveness, etc.); and
- Use of clear, concise, comprehensible, and jargon-free language (ease and pleasure of reading).
Nominations Process
The I&M Editorial Board is responsible for nominating papers for this award.
Selection Process
Award winners shall be selected by a jury composed of I&M Editorial Board members.
Jury members will rate each nominee on a scale of 5 (highest) to 1 (lowest) on each of the three criteria listed in section 3, and pass on their ratings to the jury chair.
Jury members should also submit 1-2 sentences for each nominee summarizing what they see as the most exemplary accomplishments of that nominee.
The jury chair shall tally the votes, with professional merit weighted as 40% of the overall score, contribution weighted as 40% of the overall score, and presentation quality weighted as 20% of the overall score.
The nominee with the highest point total shall be the winner. The jury chair shall use the qualitative feedback from the jury as well as their own judgment to write a ~250 word abstract stating the rationale for making the award.
In the event of a tie, the jury chair will identify an additional jury member to break the tie. This new jury member will evaluate only the tied nominations, and will rate them using the same three criteria used by the other jurors.
Nature of the Award
The Information & Media Best Paper Award was established in 2023. The award is sponsored by Vilnius University and is administered by the I&M Editorial Board.
The award shall consist of a certificate presented to each of the authors and the invitation for the authors to Vilnius University to receive the Award.