Andriy Stavytskyy
Daria Martynovych
Published 2012-01-01

How to Cite

Stavytskyy, A. and Martynovych, D. (2012) “THE ECONOMETRIC MODELING OF UKRAINIAN MACROECONOMIC TENDENCIES”, Ekonomika, 91(1), pp. 79–92. doi:10.15388/Ekon.2012.0.906.


Econometric models are widely used in economic policies of many states. They help to build a great variety of econometric systems for every country and take into account the specifics of each economy.
In this article, the structural macroeconomic models that describe the main aspects of the economic policy were applied. The interdependence between the level of inflation, the value of investment, savings, consumption, export and import transactions, taxes on the foreign trade were defined based on the analysis of the key macroeconomic parameters of Ukraine. After investigating all economic indicators, they were transformed into stationary time series for a correct use in the model. In addition, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation of residuals were excluded in all econometric equations.
As a result, the research shows that a large share of black economy leads to a rather high level of inflation in the state, because its value is primarily determined by expectations of the population under such circumstances. The paper indicates that the further export growth leads to a lower consumption growth and also to a lower growth of savings. Such a situation indicates an insufficient development of the domestic market. Investment growth has been fund not to be directly linked to consumption increase and economic development in general. Unfortunately, the main sources of investment in Ukraine are the funds of enterprises and foreign sources. The analysis shows a need to encourage public involvement into investment processes. For example, the creation of public–private partnerships is especially useful while implementing infrastructural projects.



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